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Want the best view on a cruise ship? Jump on a treadmill!

Photo Credit: Silversea

Don’t be afraid of the fitness center on your next Cruise!
Sweat with a View!

Looking for a great spot to watch the cruise ship maneuver through the inside passage in Alaska or the Norwegian fjords? Or just love the feeling of looking out and being surrounded by water? On most cruise ships, the fitness center has one of the best views on the boat! 
While on shore, gyms can be referred to as stuffy closets with only a few windows.   I sometimes feel silly when I’m inside a gym when it’s a beautiful day outside.  That’s why I love cruise ship fitness gyms.  On a day at sea, I grab a treadmill and enjoy the view!

Photo Credit: Holland America Line
Typically, right after embarkation and some food, I check out the ship’s fitness room.  The cruise staff is normally giving tours, allowing me to get comfortable with the equipment available and to check out the facilities.   That way, I’m not intimidated or “scared” of the unknown.  By the time I leave, I’ll know how to get there and always grab information on the different classes available.  When I decide that I want to work out, I can be confident and know what to expect.

Speaking from experience, not recommended if the waters are rough!  Use the stationary bike!

View of Amsterdam from Celebrity Century

On your next cruise, grab a treadmill and go for walk, jog, or run while enjoying the amazing views!

FreshCruiser Tip:  Going on an excursion but it leaves later?  Check out the port from the treadmill! The fitness center should be empty as most of the other excursions would have already left.

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Reader Comments (3)

Working out when the ship is at sea is nothing like working out in a gym on land. I feel kinda silly too when it's a beautiful day out and I"m in the gym. But from the cruise ship, when it's a beautiful day out, you can really appreciate the view in the gym! I love the views from the treadmill, especially at sea. I find my mind wandering and conjuring stories of sailors previous who didn't have flying as a transportation option.

August 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterVanny

Vanny - Have you ever worked out on a cruise ship when the seas were a little rough? I did once and kinda enjoyed the challenged but then moved to a stationary bike! I love how cruise ships typically put the fitness center in such a great spot on the ship, definitely makes it a little easier going to the gym!

September 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterFreshCruiser

Never. I wouldn`t work out on the treadmill if that were the case. I`m clumsy enough on stable ground. I have, however, felt sort of unstable on the treadmill when the ship is sailing but it quickly goes away.

September 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterVanny

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