Celebrity Millennium cruise preparation continues!

Excursion Update
My excursions are about 75% booked on the Celebrity Millennium. There is one port that I can’t decide which one is right for me so I’m going to wait until I get on the ship to talk to the excursions staff for more insight. I’m taking a slight gamble as it means the ones I want might be full.
To prevent this, I may book the one I like best and I always switch when I get on board. I can’t wait for kayaking, touring the cloud forest of Monteverde, snorkeling, a city tour of Cartagena, Colombia, and much more.
Logistics & Crucial information to bring
I’ve started printing out important information that I want to bring with me. Check out my previous blog post on which printed information I recommend you bring with you.
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
In addition, since the cruise includes two stops in Mexico, I’m going to call my wireless carrier to see about possible coverage. I always call the credit and debit card companies to tell them when and where I will be traveling. This prevents the credit card company from accidently putting a hold on my account when a charge comes up from another country.
This whole process sounds like a lot to do but should only take about 30 minutes and you’ll have peace of mind knowing everything is in order.
FreshCruiser Tip: Get the planning out of the way before you get on board. That way you can relax rather than trying to figure out what to do in port the next day.